Do you need financing to start up or expand your small business? Do you need to understand what financing solutions could work for you and your business? Have you been denied access to capital and don’t understand why? If so, this financing session is for you.
Learn how to qualify for and access traditional financing from banks, Microloan programs, SBA loans, and non-traditional ways including Crowdfunding, Equipment financing, Angel investing and much more.
This training session will be an interactive workshop to help you understand the types of financing you could access.
Karlene Sinclair-Robinson
Director, Business Finance Center
Hybrid events offer the opportunity to attend in person. The in-person option is on a first-come, first-serve basis based on maximum in-person number of attendees being achieved.
If you would like to attend our Hybrid session in-person, please follow the instructions during the registration process.
Thank you in advance.
DATE: Tuesday, Oct 8th
TIME: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET